Cosmetic Dentistry in Brooklyn

Should I get cosmetic dental treatment in Brooklyn?

Not sure how and why a cosmetic dental treatment can restore your dental structure and health? Talk to one of our expert cosmetic dentists in Brooklyn today.

Patients with dental issues of all kinds can dramatically improve their appearance with cosmetic dentistry, so they can smile with confidence. Before you decide if cosmetic dentistry is right for you, take some time to think about how satisfied you are with your smile. If you find yourself holding back from smiling, laughing, or even speaking in front of others because of your grin, you might be the ideal candidate for cosmetic care. Our office provides a full range of cosmetic treatments and services, including dental bonding and clear aligner therapy, to help you achieve the smile you deserve.

Brighten Your Smile at NY Dental Boutique

Did you know…

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Veneers can provide protection to your teeth’s natural enamel.

Ready to schedule your consultation?

call (718) 484-1560 Today!

What to expect at your cosmetic consultation

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Initial Conversation

To start things off, your dentist will ask you how you feel about your smile. We encourage you to be candid and honest about any issues or imperfections that make you feel self-conscious, and express to us what you would change about your grin.

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Comprehensive Exam

During your oral exam, your dentist will find out if you’re a good candidate for the cosmetic treatment you desire. Since cosmetic services require healthy teeth, your dentist will let you know if any restorative treatments are necessary before starting your cosmetic care.

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Personalized Treatment Plan

After your consultation and exam, your doctor will sit down with you to discuss all of your treatment options and create a customized cosmetic treatment plan based on your unique needs and desired outcome. The outline will help you understand every step of your treatment.

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Explore Your Options

To assist in your decision, your dentist will provide you with a variety of different options. Together, you’ll choose the right cosmetic treatment for your needs, budget, and lifestyle.

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Scheduling & Payment

Once you and your dentist have decided on the right cosmetic treatment plan, we’ll schedule your next appointment and provide guidance on how to best pay for your treatment.

Cosmetic Treatment Options

View our services

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

We use stock, pre-filled trays (Opalesence Go) for our take home whitening. You will find the whitening trays comfortable and super convenient. Loaded with the perfect amount of whitening material taking out all the guess work

To create your reusable custom whitening trays, we will take impressions of your teeth and gums to ensure your trays fit perfectly.

Once the trays have been crafted, we’ll give you our whitening product and a full set of instructions for proper use. As long as you follow your dentist’s instructions, you’ll get the professional results you deserve, right at home.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is a quick way to illuminate your smile by whitening it up to 10 shades in a single session. If you’re looking to dramatically brighten your smile for an upcoming special occasion, you’ll love the near-instant results from in-office whitening.

To begin, your dentist will apply a special gel to your gums to keep them protected during the whitening process. To protect your cheeks, retractors will be used to keep them away from your teeth. Once we’ve taken all the necessary precautions, a powerful whitening agent will be applied to your teeth and activated with a special UV light. The paste or gel will be rinsed away after an hour, revealing a brighter smile. For patients with extremely discolored teeth, the process may be repeated multiple times over the course of several visits to achieve your desired outcome.

KöR Whitening

KöR Whitening’s popularity is well-deserved due to its versatility and effectiveness. With KöR, you can gradually whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home in just 2 weeks. 

We offer both KöR-Day™ and KöR-Night™ teeth whitening options so you can brighten your smile in whatever way is best for you. KöR-Night™ is the most convenient and cost-effective option that allows you to whiten your teeth while you sleep. For patients who prefer not to wear whitening trays while they sleep, KöR-Day™ is a great option. Plus, KöR-Day™ is only worn for short periods throughout the day, making it a better choice for patients with sensitive teeth. 

For extra-stubborn stains, in-office and at-home whitening methods can be combined to reach your desired brightness. KöR in-office whitening offers quick results that can lighten your smile by multiple shades in just one visit.

Dental Bonding, Shaping & Contouring

Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure in which your dentist will apply a dental resin (that matches the shade of your smile) to your teeth. They will carefully sculpt the resin before curing it with a special UV light to restore the look, feel, and function of your smile. The whole process usually takes between 30-60 minutes for each tooth.

Shaping & contouring, also known as enameloplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that is often used in tandem with dental bonding. The treatment involves the removal of a thin layer of enamel from uneven, chipped, or sharp teeth to achieve the desired shape.


Veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells made from durable porcelain that are affixed to the front side of your teeth. This cosmetic treatment can eliminate small gaps between teeth, as well as cover up the appearance of severe staining, misshapen or uneven teeth, and much more. 

To place veneers, your dentist will shave down the enamel so the porcelain shells don’t bulge or protrude from your smile. This is an irreversible procedure, so it’s an important consideration to make before committing to the treatment. However, veneers can completely transform your smile and will last for years before needing to be replaced, as long as they are cared for properly.


Lumineers perform the same function as veneers, but with the major difference of being less than half the thickness of their traditional counterpart. In fact, they’re only about as thick as a contact lens! Lumineers fasten to the front of your tooth to improve its shape, color, and overall appearance. Even though they are extremely thin, they are still a durable and long-lasting cosmetic solution.

The main advantage of Lumineers, however, is that they can be placed without removing any of your natural enamel, unlike veneers, which means they aren’t a lifetime commitment.

Botox & Fillers

Botox, or botulinum toxin, is typically used to smooth wrinkles fine lines in your skin. However, it is also used to provide patients with relief from TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorders). Because dentists are experts when it comes to facial anatomy, they are ideal administers of Botox.

Dermal fillers come in a variety of forms and are injected underneath the skin to enhance facial features like the lips and cheeks. Fillers can also rejuvenate and plump up aging skin to restore your youthful look and complement your smile. If you’re looking to enhance sagging cheeks or thinning lips, fillers may be right for you.

Cosmetic Dental Makeovers

If there are multiple aspects of your smile that you are unhappy with, ask us about a full cosmetic makeover.

A highly customized plan involving multiple procedures, a cosmetic makeover is tailored to address all of your smile needs. Since every grin is unique, exact treatments will differ between patients. Multiple cosmetic and restorative dental procedures will be completed across several visits to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Clear Aligner Therapy

Clear aligners are an excellent alternative to traditional orthodontics that utilize a series of custom aligners that are nearly invisible when worn instead of metal brackets and wires. If you lead an active lifestyle, or don’t want to deal with the discomfort and appearance of metal or ceramic braces, clear aligner therapy might be the solution you’ve been looking for.

With advances in clear aligner technology, we can now utilize the treatment to correct more complex orthodontic issues than ever before. Get in touch with us today to set up a consultation and find out if clear aligners are right for you.

ICON Lesion Treatment

If your tooth experiences an enamel defect, trauma, or infection, it may receive a lower amount of calcium and other ions to the deeper portions of the enamel. This is what causes little white spots to form on the external surface of the tooth.

By using a minimally invasive ICON resin treatment, your dentist can "erase" those pesky white spots that show up on your teeth. These are also referred to as "hypo spots" or enamel bruising. 

Your dentist will begin the ICON lesion treatment by removing the outer layer of enamel that is causing calcium and ion blockage. The enamel will then be replaced with a durable substance that matches the true shade of your tooth. The treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and can get your smile back to its natural brilliance again.

Did you know…

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A single in-office whitening session can brighten your smile by up to 10 shades.

Interested in cosmetic services?

call (718) 484-1560 to book an appointment

Have questions about cosmetic dentistry? Find answers here.

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What dental issues can cosmetic dentistry solve?

With cosmetic dentistry, we can solve almost any aesthetic issueyou can think of. Patients with yellow or stained teeth can receive teeth whitening treatments for a brighter grin. Dental bonding, shaping, & contouring can transform the shape of teeth to fix minor cracks and chips, or to even out your smile to get it back to a natural, aesthetically pleasing look. Veneers or Lumineers can fill gaps, cover severe stains, and fix the look of slightly crooked or crowded teeth. Dental crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes, though they are reserved for teeth that have experienced more extensive decay or damage.

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Am I a good candidate for cosmetic dental treatments?

To determine if you are a good candidate for cosmetic dental treatments, it is important to be in good oral and overall health. If you have oral health issues such as gum disease, cavities, or occlusal issues, it may be necessary to first undergo restorative or orthodontic treatments before beginning any cosmetic procedures.

Can I get more than one cosmetic dental procedure done at the same time?

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It is not uncommon to undergo multiple cosmetic dental procedures at the same time. Services such as dental bonding and enameloplasty can often be performed together, and cosmetic makeovers may involve a combination of different cosmetic treatments to fully transform a patient's smile.

Is cosmetic dentistry covered by dental insurance?

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Individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth can benefit greatly from cosmetic dentistry. It's a great way to boost self-confidence and feel more comfortable smiling, laughing, or speaking in public. Before making a decision, it's important to reflect on your satisfaction with your smile. If you find yourself avoiding social interactions because of your teeth, you may be a good candidate for cosmetic treatment. Our dental office offers a wide range of cosmetic services to help you achieve the smile you desire. It's worth mentioning that veneers can be used to alter the shape, color, and contour of your teeth.

Get a dazzling smile from the convenience of your own home with our take-home teeth whitening kits. These kits will gradually whiten your teeth over a period of one to two weeks.

Did you know…

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A person’s satisfaction with their smile has a powerful effect on their mental health.